
Travel pharmacy Kit

Travel pharmacy Kit

No matter where you’re going, it is always smart to carry with you a small travel pharmacy containing acute conditions medicine, chronic diseases medication and personal hygiene products. If you are on any medication, make sure you stock up before setting off.

What ailments may occur to you?

Motion sickness: nausea and vomit

Persons prone to nausea and vomiting should take anti-vomiting products (antiemetics). They should be taken half an hour before the ride and can be taken several times a day. In case of vomiting, you should make sure that the person doesn’t dehydrate, therefore electrolyte powder is recommended in order to resupply the lost minerals (especially in children).

Diarrhea and constipation

The change in the usual diet, ambiance or excitement may lead to digestive tract function changes. As a consequence, diarrhea or constipation occurs. As a treatment, in addition to proper diet, probiotics are recommended (intestinal micro flora regulation medicines).

Food poisoning

Doctors recommend medications which simultaneously relieve the pain (analgesics) and lower the body temperature (antipyretics). Be careful about which products you give to children (paracetamol and ibuprofen, and not acetylsalicylic acid).

Injuries and wounds

Wounds, cuts and blisters should be treated with wound cleaning products (disinfectants or antiseptics). In addition to that, it is always useful to have band aids bandage with you.

Allergies and insect stings

Insect repellents should be applied to the exposed areas of the body in order to prevent insect stings.

Products with soothing effects (local antihistamines) in the form of cream, ointment or gel are applied in case of stings.

In cases of severe allergic reactions, oral antihistamines should be taken in accordance with doctor’s advice.

Calcium with vitamin C is also recommended which sooths the skin and membrane reaction.

What else to bring with you?

  • Your medical documentation with the prescript therapy (your supply of medications)
  • Medications you will need for travel to other countries (Africa, India etc.)
  • Ear plugs, sore throat and cough medicine, injury and pain gels, tanning and post-tanning lotions

Some useful advice for your travel pharmacy kit:

  • Medicines should be kept all in one place, if possible, in segregated containers, protected from light and humidity, at 25°C temperature
  • Store the medicines in their original packaging together with the instructions if provided
  • Before every purchase, make sure you mention any conditions, ongoing treatments, vitamin or other product use and if you need children of pregnant women products.

Feel free to ask for advice from you pharmacist in your pharmacy because we are there for you.